15th June 2021

Equity Release unlocking value from your home

The number of people using equity release schemes fell last year as older homeowners grew more cautious.

Older homeowners seemed to be more reluctant to release cash from their homes in 2020, according to the Equity Release Council. Data from the trade body shows drawdowns from lifetime mortgages fell by 21% last year and 10% fewer plans were agreed on than in 2019.

This drop suggests the coronavirus pandemic affected the equity release market in 2020, with activity slipping to a four-year low between April and June. Yet the end of the year was a different story – a backlog of cases meant it was unusually busy, with 11,566 new equity release plans agreed between October and December.

What is Equity Release?

Equity release enables homeowners who are aged 55 and over to access some of the money tied up in their homes.

You can take the money as a lump sum or in several smaller amounts. Many people choose this option to supplement their retirement income, make home improvements or help children or grandchildren get onto
the property ladder.

The most common way to release equity from your home is through a lifetime mortgage, which allows you to take out a loan secured on your property, provided it’s your main residence. You can ring-fence some of the property value as an inheritance for your family and you can choose to make repayments or let the interest roll-up. The mortgage amount, including any interest, is paid back when you die or move into long-term care.

Alternatively, you can take out a home reversion plan, which enables you to sell all or part of your home for a lump sum or regular payments. You can continue living there rent-free until you die, but you’ll have to pay to maintain and insure it. You can ring-fence some of the property for later use. At the end of the plan, the property is sold and the proceeds are shared according to the remaining proportions of ownership.

Is equity release falling out of favour?

In 2020, £3.89 billion of equity was released from property, compared with £3.92 billion in 2019 and £3.94 billion in 2018, according to the Equity Release Council (5). These figures suggest people are biding their time before unlocking wealth from their homes, according to David Burrowes, the trade body’s chairman (6).

Yet interest rates for lifetime mortgages are now falling, which could encourage people to take the next step. The average equity release interest rate fell to around 4% during the last three months of 2020, with the lowest rates now at around 2.3% (7). This rate is less than many of those available on 10-year fixed-rate mortgages but higher than a lot of products with shorter fixed periods (8).

Is equity release right for you?

Deciding to release funds from your home isn’t a decision to take lightly. While equity release means you have money to spend now instead of leaving it tied up in your property, it can be a complicated process.

Remember that equity release often doesn’t pay you the full market value for your home and it will also reduce the amount of inheritance your loved ones could receive. It’s important to talk to a financial adviser who can help you decide whether the process is appropriate for you.

Contact our Team

Should you wish to find out more about Equity Release please contact our Equity Release specialist consultant Chris Grindy on 0161 532 3510.

Disclaimer: A Lifetime mortgage is a loan secured again your home. A Lifetime mortgage may affect your entitlement to state benefits, and it will reduce the value of your estate.


Source: The Openwork Partnership

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